Blog Posts

"Violent Chaos" In Oakland? Good

You can sing Kumbaya until you are hoarse, and I’m betting the big money boys and girls on Wall Street, in the nation’s boardrooms, and those fat and sassy souls hovering behind the safety and security of their investment portfolios won’t hear a thing. They’ll just dial up...

The Political Economy Of Strategic Vandalism

We are more than the mere sum of our possessions, of course. But what we own has real significance: it marks our place in society, the elbow-rubbing world of men and women sharing a place at a given moment in time. Distributive justice defines our sense of how possessions ought to be shared in a...

Felt Necessity Is The Point

“To what end?” a friend asked this week while discussing the protests originating in Wall Street and spreading now from one city to the next. “What’s the point?”
We were two lawyers standing in the hallway of a local court, wasting billable hours while awaiting...

Wall Street and the Power of No

I see Wall Street and I keep thinking the state of nature. I am not referring to the bare knuckle tactics of brazen traders like Gordon Gecko, huffing, puffing and bragging about a life lived on the solitary, nasty, brutish and short trading floors of our financial palaces. I am thinking of the...

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