Making Money Ruining Lives

The state's make money registering the dead on sex offender registries? It's true. Calling people names is a big money business, paid for by We the People.

Also listed under: Sex Offenders and Justice

Comments: (2)

  • But, but... If it saves just 1 child, all this wou...
    But, but... If it saves just 1 child, all this would be worth it...
    Posted on May 7, 2010 at 2:41 am by Avendora
  • Wow - I just won a case to get NY to take my out-o...
    Wow - I just won a case to get NY to take my out-of-state client off the NY registry. They said there was no way to take someone off unless their conviction was reversed, so I asked if they would keep people on after they were dead, and asked whether they tried to forward their paperwork beyond the grave. I guess it wasn't a joke.
    Posted on May 11, 2010 at 5:52 am by Kathy

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