Dick's Wife Joins Fray

How desperate is Attorney General Richard Blumenthal in his race for the Senate? Yesterday, he unveiled his wife, Cynthia, who wrote an email to supporters asking for money.

Waint a minute! She's got a million dollar in her checking account according to financial disclosure forms. The family is worth at least $60 million. What's she kicking in? I am as lilkely to click Paypal for this campaign as I am to declare I spent time in Vietnam.

I found the email odd. One of the things I had respected about Blumenthal is the privacy with which he has shrouded his family. Now he is throwing his wife into the, er, forgive the metaphor, front lines of the battle.

Oh, my. What has become of Dickie?

Comments: (2)

  • The rich get richer because the poor and middle cl...
    The rich get richer because the poor and middle class have no sense.
    If they want contributions as a show of support, here's a simple and just solution: "Dear supporters. We will donate as much to [insert charity] as we raise in campaign contributions. We ask for your money not because we need it, but because it sends a message to the world that you are supporting our candidacy."
    People are stupid, though, and think not before sending money to hexi-millionaires.
    Posted on May 25, 2010 at 7:23 am by Mike
  • Pathetic Norm, pathetic.
    To have family members a...
    Pathetic Norm, pathetic.
    To have family members act as surrogates for a campaign, particularly when fundraising, is a normal practice these days. (i.e. Michelle Obama asking for support, or the Kerry kids for their Dad.)
    So while I appreciate your Blumenthal hatred, but it is necessary to point out that it's not the Blumenthals' hitting new lows... It's Norm Pattis!
    Posted on May 27, 2010 at 3:26 am by Anonymous

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