TLC: Stranger Than Fiction

Make mine XXL:

Yes, I am spiteful, a man of unclean lips, a sinner, too. But this is just too funny to let pass. It is a mirror for the righteous souls who claim I have unfairly scorned a great institution.

Comments: (9)

  • Give it a rest Norm. You made your point. How ab...
    Give it a rest Norm. You made your point. How about a role reversal for those who really need hope and a community for support for an impossible and exhausting mission?
    Keep TLC honest but don't humiliate; this is just spiteful; even if incredible entertaining and fucking outrageos; TLC has come a long way from the T-shirt and coffee mug. At least it's not a picture of Gerry on the front. Oy!!!
    Posted on September 6, 2009 at 7:38 am by bread man
  • Bread Man:
    You may be right. I wondered about pos...
    Bread Man:
    You may be right. I wondered about posting it.
    And great points about the community. I am almost with you ...
    Posted on September 6, 2009 at 7:41 am by Norm Pattis
  • I don't think your posting this was classless.
    I don't think your posting this was classless.
    The person selling it is classless. Seriously. Woman have a hard enough time, and yes I know some women attorneys will laugh and even buy this. It has no place at a so-called "trial lawyers college."

    Totally classless.
    You have better things to do than worry about whatever those people are selling.
    Marylou Lavoie
    Posted on September 6, 2009 at 11:47 am by Anonymous
  • I can't believe they would stoop so low. I have he...
    I can't believe they would stoop so low. I have heard that Imagine Spence is now in charge of ordering all merchandise. But this is totally classless not to mention tasteless. Is TLC so hard up for money they are selling such items? I am amazed she didn't put the cartoon of Spence on these. I am sure those would have sold out. This says it all and really illustrates how TLC feels about women. I have seen female students and staff be harassed, objectified and treated badly by both Gerry and certain male board and staff members alike. This crosses the line and is totally and completely inappropriate. Any woman with any self respect who is involved with TLC should run.
    Posted on September 6, 2009 at 6:51 pm by Anonymous
  • Wow - the new president's agenda and direction is ...
    Wow - the new president's agenda and direction is finally revealed. Now we know what he means by transperancy! This will surely elevate TLC and Mr. Spence's reputation. "Must be something wrong here."
    And I agree with the last post - Women are clearly not valued at this college.
    Posted on September 7, 2009 at 5:06 am by Anonymous
  • Selling thongs as a fundraiser? It goes beyond cl...
    Selling thongs as a fundraiser? It goes beyond classless, goes beyond tasteless. It demeans not only women, but the entire college. Has the college become "that" kind of place? What a giant step backward the college took once its long-time Executive Director resigned. Was Joane the moral compass of the group?
    Posted on September 7, 2009 at 9:24 am by Anonymous
  • Amazing the depth to which the Trial Lawyers Colle...
    Amazing the depth to which the Trial Lawyers College will sink to make a buck. Whose poor judgment is responsible for this? Obviously this organization has no leadership and its board of directors is clearly willing to go along with anything, no matter how tasteless, classless, disgusting and harmful it is to the organization. Or does the board of directors even know what is going on? What else would the public expect from a bunch of lawyers?
    Posted on September 7, 2009 at 10:13 am by Anonymous
  • I have seen female students harrassed by female st...
    I have seen female students harrassed by female staff members as well.
    Posted on September 8, 2009 at 9:57 am by Anonymous
  • One chafes at this topic. While you admittedly es...
    One chafes at this topic. While you admittedly eschew the benefit of undergarments for yourself, would you deny comfort and support to others in need?
    Besides, if good tastes were a governing value for the place, we never would have seen the inside of the Big Barn.
    Posted on September 8, 2009 at 3:00 pm by Leo

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