Blog to Watch: DailyWrit

I am not much of a fan of legal blogs. But I met a young man the other day who blogs on the Supreme Court. He's a star on the rise.

My youngest son and I were bleary-eyed when we stumbled from a cab in front of the United States Supreme Court at about 3:30 a.m. one morning this past week. We wanted to make sure we got one of the few seats reserved for the public for argument in the case of Ricci, et al. v. DeStafano, et al.

We were the 13th and 14th persons in line. Ahead of us were two college students, one from Columbia and the other from the University of Texas, Austin. Both knew far more about the Supreme Court than I ever did, or will. One of the young men had even submitted an amicus brief in the case.

Waiting on line is one of my least favorite things. But I had promised Joshua we'd see an argument, and so we waited. Although my firm's name is on the brief for Ricci et al. that was not sufficient cause for the Court to spring a couple of seats for my son and I. Indeed, the Court did not even see fit to assign reserved seats to the plaintiffs in the action. There is something unseemly about a public court that will pass out reserved seats to the well-heeled, but deny seating to a party. Power and privilege matter, even at the Supreme Court.

So we waited, and listend as the two young men ahead of us talked. It was dazzling, really. I had the sense that I was in the presence of future justices, or, at a minimum, the next George Stephanopoulus. Here is a link to DailyWrit, the blog page of one of these precocious scholars.

Comments: (2)

  • Yeah, I can understand why you're not a fan of law...
    Yeah, I can understand why you're not a fan of law blogs. All those old school law blogs are just a drag and half. They're boring and indulgent, buncha lawyers spouting off over nothing.
    Posted on April 26, 2009 at 8:39 am by shg
  • Scott weighs in in April 2009.
    His Simple Justice ...
    Scott weighs in in April 2009.
    His Simple Justice Blog started the
    cult thing on Spence, his Law Ranch in
    Then, in Oct 2009 Scott in his Simple
    Justice Blog wrote " Confront the Cult",
    snipping at persons who had gone to the
    Spence legal Ranch, TLC.
    So, despite what Scott says above,
    some legal Blogs are scratching each
    other's backs.
    But, the marketing aspects of
    the Ranch have been ignored,
    most curiously by the legal blog( club)
    Is Simple Justice in that spoting off
    it's indulgent nothings..?
    The curtain pulled back on the
    Scott, Norm, Mike triple attack in
    sync on it's cult con, to snipe at old man
    Gerry Spence.
    Perhaps, it is Scott who is most
    indulgent, as he loosely throws
    around his smears of "psychopath",
    to any who reveal his indulligent
    games, as the Blog pumper, behind
    Simple Justice.
    The curtains are pulled back even more,
    as Norm indulges in Ranch
    pieces, but some new solar mirrors,
    grace the landscape.
    Posted on October 20, 2009 at 2:11 pm by Anonymous

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