Blog Posts

TLC: Squashing The Competition

Mark Bennett has an interesting piece about the latest doings at the Trial Lawyer's College. It turns out that three female expatriates have started a program for women. The college is not happy about it. Question: If the college's program revolves around love, and that is the college's claim, who...

TLC: Sison To Board, "I Am Not Joane"

Word has it that no one was asked to leave the Trial Lawyers College. All left voluntarilty. I have been provided a copy of the following letter sent to all TLC board members by Fredilyn Sison. It suggests otherwise.

"To the TLC Board of Directors:
"Your president, Jude Basile, called...

Run, Ross, Run

The field for Attorney General of the State of Connecticut is wide open, and one of the best candidates is rumored to be playing Hamlet in Hartford. Is his race to be, or not to be? There really is no question about it: Ross Garber should run for Attorney General.
I've known Ross for almost 20...

Another Tempest In Bysiewicz's Tea Pot

The wonder of it is that anyone is willing to run for public office and serve. That’s my first reaction to the latest scandal to surface in Connecticut politics. I call it “Listgate” because the politician involved has a name that does not lend itself to a cognate jingle.

Beware Of Ad Damnum Adverstising

I noticed that a colleague of mine here in Connecticut recently filed a couple of police misconduct claims arising under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983. As practitioners in this field know, winning such claims is notoriously difficult. And large verdicts are even more rare..
So I was surprised when I...

Apocalypse Now? Oath Keepers And Tea Parties

The April edition of Mother Jones features a cover story entitled "Age of Treason". When I first started to read it, I was prepared to be alarmed. But by the time I finished reading it, I wondered whether I, too, am a candidate for treason.
A group called Oath Keepers is a new phenomenon in...

Prison Rape: Time For DOJ To Act

According to statistics from the federal Bureau of Justice, more than 100,000 prisoners are raped each year while in custody. The predators are, more often than not, prison guards. As many as 4.5 percent of all detainees complained of sexual harassment behind bars last year.
In 2003, Congress...


A little more than a week ago, I wrote about the glacial pace of things in the District Court of Connecticut. I wrote about it in the context of President Obama's nomination of United States District Court Judge Robert N. Chatigny to the Second Circuit.
Here's what I wrote:
"But Chatigny...

Senate Derails "Chatigny Express"

I should be delighted by President Obama’s nomination of Robert Chatigny to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. The judge appears virulently opposed to the death penalty. He appears to think that sex offender registration laws are too harsh and punitive. He previously...

About That Recusal List ...

The following paragraph leaped out at me as I was reading United States District Court Judge Robert N. Chatigny's questionnaire submitted on behalf of his nomination to a seat on the Second Circuit.
"Under our Court's automatic recusal system, the Clerk's Office maintains a list of persons and...

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