Blog Posts

No Peace In Mayberry

You big city types who long for the simplicity of small-town life, take note: All is not rosy in Mayberry.
I practice law in Connecticut. By the standards of Chicago, Detroit and New York City, the locales in which I spent 24 of my first 27 years, Connecticut is paradise. From my office, I can...

When The Separation Of Powers Fails

Worse case scenario? I lose the trial and my client is sentenced to three consecutive life terms, plus sixty years. The stakes could only be higher were the state seeking the twisted pleasure of killing the defendant. With stakes these high, one would think no effort to give the man a spare trial....

Blumenthal For Senate? It's A Good Idea

Regular readers of this column know that consistency is not just the hobgoblin of little minds, it is also a sworn enemy of mine. I change course from time to time. And I make no apologies about it. So it is with a certain bemused self-consciousness that I write here of my delight that Richard...

Pottawattamie Lost

I don't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief, or gnash my teeth: But the Supreme Court has dismissed without decision the case of Pottawattamie County, et al., v. McGhee, et al. (08-1065). That's because the parties settled the case for a reported sum of $12 million. By dismissing the case, the...

New And Noteworthy

Legal blogs come and go. Here's a new one to check out: Tell him Norm sent you.

Satire Anyone? Check Out

Victories in the war on sexophrenic hysteria are few and far between. The fight, however, is eternal. Those of you in need for a little satire to lighten the load are encourage to check out the following web site:
Warning: The material posted there isn't for everyone. You...

Judge Kozinski, TV, And Reality: Something Is Out Of Focus

Watching another lawyer try a case is a lot like watching ice melt: I know something is happening, but it I just can't see it. Even when I watch lawyers I admire, it's hard to enthuse about the show. Trial, a multi-dimensional game of chess to the participants, is not exactly riveting. Except on...

Sloth Might Be The Deadliest Sin Of All

This week's poll asks readers to select the most dangerous sin of all from among the Seven Deadly Sins. I'm sort of surprised that no one has thus far selected Sloth. Of course, I voted for Pride; vanity and I are close companions. But I hesitated before I voted. Sloth, properly understood, is as...

Stu Dornan: Good Lawyer In Omaha

If you are looking for a lawyer with common sense in Nebraska, try knocking on Stu Dornan's door. He just scored a temporary victory in the on-going battle against sex-offender hysteria.
Nebraska lawmakers want each and every so-called sex offender in the state, regardless of the offense of...

Remembering K

I cannot get used to death, even though I know I must. We all owe nature a death. And, sadly, live long enough and those close to you die. It is the way of the world. And it hurts.
A neighbor died last night. He was a good man. He loved his wife, his children, his land, and his horses. He died...

© Norm Pattis is represented by Elite Lawyer Management, managing agents for Exceptional American Lawyers
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