Blog Posts

Bill of Rights Day: A Reminder

Tim Lynch at the Cato Institute brightened my day by sending along a piece he wrote commemorating Bill of Rights day. I needed a pick-me-up, as I am still licking my wounds after a defeat in a criminal case today.
I pass the link along. Read through it, and be sure to click on the links...

Why Criminal Defense Lawyers Are Necessary

My client was convicted yesterday of seven counts of crimes he says he did not commit. I believe my client. Of course, only he and the complaining witness really know what what down, if anything. A jury convicted as it chose to believe the young woman.
Should I have not waived closing argument...

Oh, What A Difference A Continent Makes

Patrons at Berlin's Maison d'Envie (House of Desire) can take advantage of a unique discount when engaging the services of a prostitute. Present a bicycle helmet, padlock or bus ticket to the cashier, and get a near 15 percent discount off the full price of, et, um, well, you know.
Like most...

Are Closing Arguments Necessary?

I wonder, increasingly, whether we lawyers overstate our importance at trial. I realize that this is counter intuitive to those who view lawyer's as the star of the show. But trials are supposed to be about fact-finding under the rule of law. Do lawyers get in the way?
I tried something...

Fighting Freud With Nit-Wit Theories

Imagine the following: A man accused of murder offers an alibi defense. He could not have committed the crime because at the precise moment the victim was killed, he was being help captive by little green people from Mars. He was captive in a Motel 6 room where he was forced to watch endless reruns...

Who's That Prosecutor?

You've heard it before: Don't believe everything you see in the newspapers. That includes the caption beneath photographs.
A bemused client sent me an email yesterday with a link to a story about a case I am trying. Right next to the story was a mug of me, lifted from the shot that accompanies...

Say It Ain't So. Edsall Can't Go!

I don't write much about college football. Why would I? I am a University of Michigan fan, and the past three seasons have been akin to a prolonged wake for a proud program. Beginning with an inglorious loss to Appalachian State in a warm up game in 2007, and continuing throughout 2007, 2008 and...

Walking the Lawyer's Walk

I have a dream. One day lawyers will come to court as bitter foes and leave as friends bound together by sweet reason. Discord shall be replaced by harmony, and the gentle tones of civility will flow. Where there was sorrow, there shall be joy; where there was anger, there shall be peace; and we...

Oedipus Rex: Drama or Docudrama?

This week's trial is a nightmare, and I've had trouble sleeping for days.
A couple of years ago, two parents confronted their teenage daughter with the contents of text messages on her cell phone. A peer was writing to the girl in tones too salacious to be repeated even here. He wanted her, in...

Oedipus Rex: Drama or Docudrama?

This week's trial is a nightmare, and I've had trouble sleeping for days.
A couple of years ago, two parents confronted their teenage daughter with the contents of text messages on her cell phone. A peer was writing to the girl in tones too salacious to be repeated even here. He wanted her, in...

© Norm Pattis is represented by Elite Lawyer Management, managing agents for Exceptional American Lawyers
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