Blog Posts

Fairy Tales: East of the Sun and West of the Moon

Where is home, and whence our destination? The questions are basic. We conceive for ourselves beginnings and ends, but our goals remain forever contingent upon forces beyond our control. We owe a death at the moment of birth. Our hopes and dreams, it seems, repose east of the sun and west of the...

TLC: Refunds Possible?

R. Rex Parris wrote last night. If I do not believe I am a better lawyer as a result of TLC, I should call him and he will try to get me a refund. All else is mere noise, and I should stop my bitching.
The life the of the law is experience, not logic, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. taught. Hence,...

TLC: The Final Word

When I walked off the ranch ten years ago it was because I found the benefits associated with attending Trial Lawyers College events as a staff member to be outweighed by all the baggage associated with attendance: People wanted things I did not understand and I was spending far more time...

Book Banning In Cheshire?

I am glad I do not live in Cheshire, Connecticut. Townsfolk there want to control what residents can and cannot find on the shelves of the town’s library shelves. The fact that one member of the library board, Marilyn Bartoli, leads the book-banning effort calls into question why she is on a...

TLC: Another Source

Snarkdom has found its way into the comments section of this blog as regards the Trial Lawyers College and Gerry Spence. We have a new anonymous writer obsessed with me. It is to the point that when I pass gas the poor fellow, or gal, gets an ear ache. In TLC-speak, the writer has given up his...

The Imageless Mirror

"In the end, man is an event which cannot judge itself, but, for better or worse, is left to the judgment of others."
C.G. Jung, Memories, Dreams and Reflections

The Appeal of Ted Bundy

Who really thinks these days about Ted Bundy? I hadn't done so for many years. Sure, I knew he was a serial killer. But I cannot say I view him as a rock star. From 1973 to 1978, he killed as many as 100 women, confessing, before his execution by the State of Florida, to 30 murders. He was a bad,...

TLC: Even The Melodrama Feels The Same

One of the benefits of foreign travel and time away is a much-needed sense of perspective. Struggling with a foreign tongue, struggling to see from a different perspective, being steeped in different mores: These are all good things. Even moreso, if, as my wife and I did on our recent trip, you...

Jung: A Gift Will Soon Arrive

           I am offering a gift today. Accept it if you will: There is just enough time to prepare for the publication of a long awaited book that may be as significant as any to be published in this dawning century. But to be prepared to hear what this author has to say, you must first read...


Much though I love to travel, I still leave home reluctantly. Something about leaving familiar landmarks behind me heightens a sense of being lost asea in a world far too wide and vast to comprehend. So sitting in Europe wondering whether I've contracted H1N1 scares me.
We are in Edinburgh now,...

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