Blog Posts

The Elegance of Anarchism

"[T]he great emancipatory gains for human freedom have not been the result of orderly, institutional procedures but of disorderly, unpredictable, spontaneous action cracking open the social order from below." Thus concludes James C. Scott's brief celebration of the joy and necessity of anarchism,...

When The Fifth and Sixth Amendments Collide

The Fifth Amendment provides that no one can be compelled to testify against himself. In other words, a person cannot be required to speak if his statements would tend to implicate him in a crime. The right is what lawyers call a testimonial privilege, and it is related to other areas declared off...

NSA v. USA. Who Will Win?

I confess to being among those who regard the reach of the surveillance state with a tired sense of inevitability: I’ve long since grown accustomed to the notion that the government can, and does, record everything. It’s not that I do not value privacy; I just feel that worrying about...

Why A Second Trial?

“Congratulations,” the caller, another lawyer, said. “You hung ‘em up; I’d call that a win.”

“Thanks,” I replied. “But I am not so sure. We’ve got to try it all over again in October.”
My client stands...

An Honest Look at Punishment

Robert Ferguson's book on the American criminal justice system, Inferno: An Anatomy of American Punishment (Harvard University Press, 2014) ought to be must reading for every legislator, judge and prosecutor in the United States. You will note that I did not include criminal defense lawyers in the...

Green Haven's End Game

Perhaps the single most important moment in the debate about whether to approve the Green Haven condominium association project on Bethany’s Halter Farm property took place more than a year ago. That’s when Patsy Weiner, then a member of the town’s Planning and Zoning Commission,...

A Killing in Milford

Death comes swiftly, with a crushing finality, leaving the living numb with grief and overcome with loss. Our comings and goings remain stunning mysteries. When a life is taken at the hand of another, anger rises like a tidal wave.
So we are angry today at Christopher Plaskon. “I did...

Prison for a Troubled Teen?

One measure of our humanity is how we treat the least among us. The future will judge us harshly, I am afraid. This is especially so regarding our prisons. We’ve taken a punitive turn in social philosophy, and have created penal colonies in our midst. What’s worse, we’ve fallen in...

When the Process Becomes the Punishment

The process, criminal defense lawyers like to say, is the punishment. Nowhere is this so true as in the low-level criminal courts in Connecticut, known among the cognoscenti as the “GAs,” or Geographical Areas. All criminal cases make their courtside debut in the GA courts. Only the...

A Primer on Anarchism

Anarchism is given a bad rap by folks who rarely take the trouble to understand what they are criticizing. Alexander Berkman's classic text on anarchism, The ABC of Anarchism, is a good place to start in educating the ignoratti.
Originally published in 1927 by the Vanguard Press, the volume...

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