Blog Posts

Entrapping the Disabled

Clients often claim entrapment when a police officer catches them red-handed in some unlawful act, especially when one of the participants is an undercover cop. It offends a sense of fair play to learn, suddenly, that the voice on the other end of a telephone line was actually a police officer...

A Digital Anarchist

I saw an interview of Nicco Mele on PBS, and was intrigued enough to read his book, The End of Big: How Internet Makes David the New Goliath. I am glad I did.
Mele does a good job of illustrating how "radical connectivity" -- the internet's capacity to reach across traditional...

Why You Care About Jodi Arias

Odds are you have an opinion about whether Jodi Arias should live or die. You probably also know all about Florida’s prosecution of Casey Anthony. The Boston Marathon bombing is an open wound in New England; you most likely have strong feelings about the man accused of helping set the...

IRS v. Tea Party? A Pox on Both

I should be bleeding red, white and blue over reports that the Internal Revenue Service has singled out some Tea Party groups for extra-special scrutiny as tax exempt organizations. Instead, I can’t help but giggle. If ever there were two groups who deserve one another it is the tax...

Why Elliot Ness Can't Operate A Tape Recorder

Here’s some free legal advice that might just keep you out of jail: If federal officials pay you a surprise visit and want to talk to you, don’t do it. If you just can’t say no, then demand that they permit you to tape record your conversation with them. If they won’t let...

You Don't Have To Talk To The Police

I originally posted this in 2010. Over the weekend, I was approached and asked for permission to republish this by a third party. I am reposting today to remind folks that you do not have to talk to the police. Indeed, it's never a good idea to do so without the assistance of a lawyer.
I'm a...

Where To Bury Tamerlan Tsarnaev?

Tamerlan Tsarnaev is dead. He can’t hurt anyone again. So what’s the big deal about whether he is buried in Hamden, or in Russia, or on the dark side of the Moon?

In medieval times, courts pursued claims not just against persons who committed harm, but also against the...

The Puzzling Memoir of Amanda Knox

Is Amanda Knox guilty of murder? One Italian jury said yes. Then a second jury said no. Now the case is being sent back for another trial. Ms. Knox isn’t waiting any longer to tell what she knows about the matter. Her new memoir, Waiting to be Heard, is her account of what she knows about the...

Updated: Green Haven Will Be Back, Count On It

If you are confused by the recent actions of Bethany’s Planning and Zoning Commission, here’s an attempt to decode them. The commission’s vote last week to deny the Green Haven application for a change in zoning regulations to permit what amounts to condominium development in...

So Long To An Attack Dog

I wasn’t surprised to learn that United States Attorney David Fein tendered his resignation and will soon step down from his latest incarnation as United States Attorney. Word on the street has always been that he would be a one-term occupant of that office. His eyes were said to be on a far...

© Norm Pattis is represented by Elite Lawyer Management, managing agents for Exceptional American Lawyers
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