Blog Posts

Gun Goofiness Makes Jefferson Weep

The words of Thomas Jefferson: “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in...

The Disabled Need AR-15s, Lawsuit Says

If you doubt the law’s capacity to transform almost anything into a farce, look no further than the case of Disabled Americans for Firearms Rights, LLC, et al., v. Dannel P. Malloy. It alleges that Connecticut’s new ban on assault weapons discriminates against the disabled, and...

A Trojan Horse Called Green Haven

Forgive me if I do not greet with open arms the Green Haven Cohousing project’s attempt to change zoning regulations for the Town of Bethany. The project proposal is, in fact, little more than a Trojan Horse that would, if approved, destroy what remains of Bethany’s rural character. It...

The Illusion of Freedom?

Soren Kierkegaard got it at least half right: "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." But does it follow from this that our sense of freedom is a mere illusion? Perhaps. Sam Harris thinks free will as an illusion. It is an error, he says, to "attribute agency" to...

Tiny Steps On Road To Gun Reform

Let’s not congratulate ourselves too much about having addressed gun violence. Yes, the General Assembly passed new gun control legislation. But the new law is merely a baby step on the road to meaningful reform. The fact is, we’re still armed to the teeth, and prone to violence. There...

Calling Our Bluff On Gay Marriage

Speak to me, Muse. Sing about a continent spawned in chaos, sustained by the wild and untamed hope of tomorrow. Tell me of the promises made to the tired, the poor, the weak. Rage about the day that never came, the night that beckons, how a city on a hill became a fortress, frightened, unable to...

Mumbo Jumbo in Newtown

Just whose life is now in danger in the wake of the mass shootings at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut? There is no reason to believe that there was a second shooter at the scene: Adam Lanza is believed to have killed all 20 school children, and six adults, before he took...

The Trouble in Torrington

You can thank the Women’s Christian Temperance Union for the recent firestorm in Torrington involving two former football players on the high school team. Two eighteen year old students have been expelled from school, and face felony charges, for having sex with thirteen year-old girls....

SOS at UConn Law

The University of Connecticut School of Law turned a new page in its epic identity crisis last week. It snared a tip-top white-shoe lawyer to serve as its next dean. Folks at the law school can’t stop congratulating themselves on the significance of it all. Why, the new dean is no...

Starlings, Order and Legitimacy

I have a homework assignment for you. Find a computer. Click onto YouTube, and then search for videos of the Otmoor starlings. When you’ve had a chance to watch the birds in flight, return to this column.
“How’d they do that?” you are wondering. So am I.
For those of...

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