Blog Posts

Kenneth Heath: Minds, Bodies and Murder

tinguishing mind from body is indecipherable from the mind’s standpoint. While neuroscientists can increasingly draw correlations between the underlying physical substrate of our mental lives and the manner in which we report our experience of the world, there is a vast divide between our...

Buy My Book!

Yeah, that’s right. The headline says it all. I want you to buy my book. Today. Head on over to and get a copy sent to you. Those of you who have developed the habit of turning to the back page of the Law Tribune to get your dose of me these past eleven years can now get something...

Taking Back The Courts

A friend of mine likens the publication of a book to the birth of a child, a peak experience that yields powerful feelings. I’ve yet to hold my newest baby, but last night I noticed that Amazon now lists it. Taking Back the Courts can be pre-ordered; it is set for release later this...

Et Tu, Scotty?

Aw, never mind. Learning to walk away from sink holes is s lifelong effort. A shower and a good night's sleep put things perspective. The electronic Lilliputia can do without this silliness. And we'll leave to analysts the various forms of penis envy. Addendum: An email asks why I pulled the...

Oklahoma Bound

I’ve been tossing and turning a lot lately, visions of wind-swept Oklahoma on my mind, and the twang of tough men and women staring me down, wondering who I am, and why they ought to listen to a word I have to say. You see, in a couple of weeks, I will be speaking at the 2011 Patrick A....

Weinergate And The Government We Deserve

Representative Anthony Weiner is a liar, a cad and a hypocrite. We now know as much; he told us so when he confessed to what he had previously denied about sending a sexually suggestive photograph to a young woman over Twitter. But he is a member of Congress, so can anyone be surprised that he...

Confounding DNA In The Annie Le Case

Our youngest son is mid-way through medical school. At dinner the other night, he and my wife were discussing the controversy surrounding neckties in hospitals. It turns out that physicians, though scrupulous about washing their hands between patients, aren’t quite as careful with their ties....

You Can't Impeach The State

Even non-lawyers know about hearsay. The word pops up often in casual conversation, as in, "that’s just hearsay." Folks want to dismiss such statements as carrying little weight.
The lawyer’s definition of hearsay is as follows: "An out-of-court statement made for the truth of...

Mr. Rakofsky's Professional Suicide -- And Time I'll Never Get Back

Engagement is the key to success for those looking to make a lasting impression in the electronic world. Link to others, comment on their comments, talk nice about them in what you write, do all this and, well ... what exactly? I’ve never quite understood the dynamics of it all. What’s...

Why Prosecute This Lothario?

I first saw John Edwards speak in New Haven many years ago, the first time he took his presidential ambitions out for a walk in New England. There was something not right about the man. He strutted like a peacock, pretty feathers and all. But when he opened his mouth to speak at a gathering of...

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