Blog Posts

Yale Set To Haze Its Students

I am lucky I came of age many years ago. Were I a college student today, I am sure I would be expelled, or perhaps even imprisoned. College was a time of vast and sometimes foolish experimentation. (Actually, so was high school.) I found myself on probation for a spell, when I confessed, during my...

Introducing Jubilee Wednesday

I was in New Haven the other day, crossing the street near one of the courthouses.
"Gimme your money," a voice said. He was young, black, and hiding behind large sunglasses. He was also smiling from ear to ear.
"F@#k you," I replied. "Give me yours." The man was a former client I...

Hands Off The Court, Congressman

Christopher Murphy wants to be a United States Senator, so it is understandable that he will tilt at windmills from time to time. But his poking at the United States Supreme Court doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, and ought to be rejected. An independent judiciary is fundamental.

When Sharks Feed Upon One Another

Just how tight is the market for legal fees just now? Tight enough that some private defense lawyers are complaining that too many defendants are being offered the services of a public defender, thus depriving lawyers of the chance to earn a fee.
The Sixth Amendment to the United States...

Memoirs of a Serial Killer

I don’t write about it much here because, frankly, I don’t get to spend much time at it, but one of my avocations is as bookseller. My wife and I own a used bookstore called Whitlock Farm Booksellers in Bethany. We have a great staff of bookworms who keep the inventory flowing and the...

Time To Return To The City?

I suspect that my days as a country lawyer are numbered. The economy is that bad. Although I have only anecdotal information to support the following hypothesis, I believe it nonetheless to be true: the middle class has run out of cash. We see this in the tones of despair with which potential...

Consensual Consequences

Reform of sex offender legislation will most likely not take place in the courts. Real change will come in the form legislation. Lawmakers need to be taught the consequences of the laws they pass. They need to learn these lessons from those targeted by the laws. Hence, I say every lawmakers in the...

Who Is Scott Walker?

Who is Scott Walker? The question should be on the lips of every American who has lost a home, a job, or a sense that the American Dream is something worth pursing. The question might yield the significance of the disappearing elite’s refrain in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged -- Who is John...

A Government Afraid Of Conscience

I wonder what the Government told grand jurors in the case of United States of America versus Julian P. Heicklen. The 78-year-old retired college professor was indicted on charges of jury tampering. He was charged under a statute designed and intended to make it a crime to try to influence a juror...

Why I Am A Hypocrite

The importance of hypocrisy cannot be overstated. We live by it, learn by it, and, I suspect, die firmly in its grip. Experience makes a mockery of principle given enough time. I am from time to time slapped silly by my inconsistencies. They nourish me, making me better able to see around the...

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