Blog Posts

Happy Thanksgiving

The dogs are a little subdued this morning. They get that way when my wife is not at home. We have our routines, and the dogs make sure we stick to them. Remove my wife and suddenly chaos beckons. But it is Thanksgiving, and if the dogs had longer memories, they would realize that she spends the...

Murder, He Wrote

Although I am not much of a fan of legal blogs, I make an exception for Defrosting Cold Cases. It celebrates its first anniversary today. I have actually spoken to the author once, although I cannot recall the occasion. The page is always well written and informative. Vidocq, the author, has a...

TSA, DEA: Living for the Hunt?

There is something wrong, seriously wrong, with a country that makes a watchdog into the national mascot. But we like sheep sat last night, watching 60 Minutes and the unseemly chest-thumping of Drug Enforcement Agents who had managed to capture Viktor Bout, the so-called "merchant of death," and...

New Wine, Old Skins: Sarah Palin and the Supreme Court

Two pieces in this week's New York Times sent me scurrying to the New Testament. First, Adam Liptak's piece about the tendency of the Supreme Court to decide fewer decisions each year with increasingly long, and opaque, decisions. Then this morning's essay by Frank Rich about Sarah Palin's...

Ghailani Verdict A Victory In "War On Terror"

I am, truth be told, far more terrified of the United States Government than I am of the likes of Ahmed Ghailani. Sure, Mr. Ghailani and his ilk can bomb a building and cause mayhem. But only the Government has the power to suffocate daily, slowly and steadily depriving me of the freedom to...

Try A Little Comity

A year or so ago, I actually flirted with the idea of becoming a judge. I was encouraged by someone with more power than sense. My ego warmed to the topic, and I spent a couple of months working the telephone seeing what would be involved and whether I would have the support necessary to make the...

Litigation Lotto And Hedge Funds

Not enough gets written about the matter of legal fees, and what gets written generally scares me. Fictional lawyers practice law in a cocoon; readers rarely if ever get a glimpse of what it takes to keep the lights on and the copying machine operable. The press catches a whiff only of the most...

I Am Spartacus?

I ought to be thankful that I learned long ago never to make sport of the efforts of security cops. I've been nearly strip searched by border patrol workers transferred North to Detroit from the Mexican border in the 1970s. They asked whether buddies and I had any citrus fruit to declare in the...

Angels and Demons, Inc.

Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, is worried that the Catholic Church is ill-equipped to deal with questions about how and when to attempt to cast out evil spirits. So he organized a conference on the topic for the nation's bishops. The holy men are meeting this weekend to discuss...

Who Is Served By Gag Orders?

It is naive to think that a judicially imposed gag order does anything other than benefit the prosecution in a criminal case. So why do Connecticut criminal court judges swoon over them? First, Judge Roland D. Fasano imposed orders in the Cheshire home invasion cases. Now Judge Edward J. Mullarkey...

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