Blog Posts

Programming Note

I will be switching to a new service for publication of this blog in the next couple of days. Among the questions on my mind as I make ready for the switch is whether the comments section to the blog serves any real purpose.
I am aware of the "engage" theory of blogging: encourage comments,...

Updated Trench Menus, Tweeter and an Aborted Twittergate

Do real lawyers engage in all the tomfoolery associated with social media? The answer is yes. I am a real lawyer, and I blog and I Tweet. I also think that there should be a broader public understanding about what trial lawyers do. Hence, I write about my work. No crime there, I hope.
I am a...

New Haven Miscellany: State v. Hayes

I passed through New Haven mid-day yesterday after a quick pre-trial in New London in a child sex case. My hope was to poke my head in on the trial of State v. Hayes to see whether the atmosphere in the room was as surreal as press accounts suggested.
It was just after noon, and there were...

Lah-Dee-Dah and the Rule of Law

If you have heard enough about the show-trial taking place in New Haven regarding the Cheshire home invasion, you might be tempted to skip this column. But I ask you to hang in for a paragraph or two. I’d like to talk about the administration of justice in Connecticut courtrooms. This trial,...

Ito Alert: "Tweaking" A Jury In New Haven--

I did not need to attend the O.J. Simpson trial in Los Angeles to get a sense of the proceeding's carnival-like atmosphere. The press conveyed what went on all too well. It soon became apparent for all the world to see that the trial judge presiding over that case, Lance Ito, was enjoying the show...

Wanna Use My Confession? Then Record It.

If you want to short the circuits of an FBI agent, agree to talk to him, but only on the condition that you are permitted to tape record, or, even better yet, video record, your converation. Odds are, the agents will flush a deep red, stammer something about that not being possible, and then...

Stryker's "The Art Of Advocacy": Must Reading

The backward glance is almost always fatal to the living spirit. If the best has already been thought, said and done, what's the point of struggling forward? If all is but mere faint repetition of never-to-be-repeated excellence, why struggle face-first against the chaos of our days. Nostalgia, I...

The Show Trial Begins: The State Grooms New Killers

I was in New Haven Superior Court yesterday representing folks in the ordinary sorts of chaos that are typical of a criminal defense lawyer's day: A woman cut her lover with a knife as they fought. The state claims assault; we claim self-defense. A mother and father locked a teenage daughter out of...

State v. Hayes: Opening Day Forecast

Snipers will prowl the roof of the New Haven Superior Court this morning just as they have on other occasions when Steven Hayes appeared there. These lawmen will peer up and down the streets of the Elm City making sure that no one gets a free shot at Mr. Hayes. It is a given that many folks in the...

© Norm Pattis is represented by Elite Lawyer Management, managing agents for Exceptional American Lawyers
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