Blog Posts

Victims As Pawns, Connecticut Style

Connecticut's constitution gives alleged victims of crimes certain rights. Among these are the right to be heard before the court accepts a plea bargain, the right to be heard at sentencing and the right to be treated with fairness and respect. Surprisingly, the constitution does not give to...

What To Do About Docket Creep?

I almost envy those folks who practice in jurisdictions with short statutes of limitations and fast-moving dockets. In my state, Connecticut, docket creep is the norm. You can't get some judges to act even by pleading with them. Cases linger seemingly forever.
I have a couple of federal civil...

A Personal Note To Elena Kagan

You did it. You set your sights on one of the nation's top jobs and spent a lifetime pursuing it. You spared no effort to accomplish your goal. You bent your will steadfastly and brilliantly to the task. Your resume glitters. You are a star of the bar, and now a justice on the United States Supreme...

Prisoners and Slaves

It says something about me, I suppose, that my preferences go to the long-timers. But my list of fantasy cellmates consists mostly of folks doing life for their crimes of conviction. I was reminded of that yet again this week when I spent some time, very little time, mind you, with a man convicted...

What To Make Of Omar Thornton's Rampage?

In 1967, Detroit burst into flames. People got shot to death in what amounted to race riots. Paratroopers occupied the city to restore order. I was 11 years old and living on the city's lower East side. I took it all in stride. The violence seemed about right to me. Detroit was a racist shit-hole....

Proposition 8 And An Early Halloween

Expect an early Halloween. This year's favored outfit is that of the Old Testament prophet. Expect the street corners, the airwaves and the world of print to be swamped with cries of doom and gloom. A federal judge has decided that a California ban on gay marriage violates the federal constitution....

When Is It A Good Time To Talk To The Government?

One of the cases of which I am most proud is a case involving a prominent man who was never arrested. Police had questions about his conduct. He contacted me. We answered the questions and provided details. Had we circled the wagons and told law enforcement to take a hike, the man would most...

Check Out "Once Fallen"

Here's a web site that was just brought to my attention about the reform of sex offender laws. It is a great read. I recommend that you add it to your list of must reads. Once Fallen
Hat Tip: Renate

Blagojevich: Trial, Personality and Justice

I am not sure what the sputtering was all about on the eve of the closing arguments in the Rod Blagojevich trial. United States District Judge James Zagel issued a standard ruling prohibiting the defense from arguing that the government's failure to call certain witnesses damned the government's...

Justice and Factual Guilt? Not My Problems

I am partial to libertarians, so John Kindley of People v. State has a soft spot in my heart. To others, Kindley has a soft spot in his head, at least when it comes to the topic of justice in the courtroom. Kindley has sparked a discussion that has not exactly gone viral, but has been passed back...

© Norm Pattis is represented by Elite Lawyer Management, managing agents for Exceptional American Lawyers
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