A Programming Note

Every lawyer has disappointed clients, and none are so disappointed as those from whose case a lawyer withdraws. Most often these motions to withdraw take place in confidence, with sealed records, to protect the client's secrets.

I've a stalker or two here who insists on leaving snide comments. They use pseudonyms but the idiosyncratic sound of their need is evident to me. I am not going to post the comments.

Why, William Dorriss asks? What about their First Amendment rights? No one is abridging those rights. People are free to speak or not. But I am not a government agency and I control the editorial content here. I don't feel such a slave to principle as to tolerate anonymous slander from folks who won't leave a real name.

Neither will I be baited into breaching the attorney-client privilege. Lawyers are permitted to withdraw from a case with the court's permission for all sorts of reasons. Some of those reasons would be devastating to a client's well being if told to the world at large. But I have said it before and I will say it again: lawyers are ill-equipped to deal with the psychiatric ills they see in a practice. This is especially evidence in those borderline and paranoid souls who think that the world revolves around their hurt.

Sticks and stones won't break my bones, but I see no need to take pot shots from cranks who know damn well that their secrets are ones I must keep.

Comments: (1)

  • They come to your blog seeking to speak because yo...
    They come to your blog seeking to speak because you've built an audience.
    Let them start their own blogs, and create their own audiences.
    That they cannot due, since as a parasite they cannot live without a host.
    Posted on May 14, 2010 at 1:00 pm by Mike

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