Blumenthal Claims He Was The Mystery Kisser

Alfred Eisenstaedt is dead at 91. His photographs have become an inchoate part of the national psyche. One photograph, that of a young sailor kissing a woman at Times Square when the Japanese surrendered in World War II, has long been shrouded in mystery. Just who was that soldier?

Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, now running for a seat in the United States Senate, solved the mystery today.

"I am the secret kisser," he said, noting quickly that he was not married at the time. "I did not see anything inappropriate or unbecoming in this innocent exuberance," he said.

Mr. Blumenthal promised another press conference to explain how his role as military Romeo could be true given the fact that he was not born until February 1946. An aide explained that the attorney general might have confused his wars, noting Mr. Blumenthal's "timeless devotion to those who serve."

Here's the photo. Wrong war, Dick.

Comments: (2)

  • Pattis has some fun with CT's own Tricky Dick.
    Pattis has some fun with CT's own Tricky Dick.
    But seriously, I'm waiting for Blumenthal to address his knowledge of and probable role in the biggest and scariest, yet the least known, scandal in Connecticut over the past decades--namely the lawlessness in the state's attorney's system in acting as a protection racket for lawyers at a statewide law corporate law firm (who stole thousands of dollars of medical films of mine meant for an operation on my neck). For such state's attorneys, the corporate lawyers are members of a preferred class of criminals' to which class the state's attorneys are reflexively deferential.
    With Blumenthal's knowledge, the state's attorneys put more into trying to concoct a case against me begining with an illegal wiretap and ensuing in witness intimidation of me which still goes on than they did in most cases regarding real crimes and real criminals.
    Posted on June 24, 2010 at 1:50 am by Henry Berry
  • Pattis is having some fun with CT's own Tricky Dic...
    Pattis is having some fun with CT's own Tricky Dick.
    Posted on June 24, 2010 at 3:15 am by Henry Berry

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