Easy Come. Easy Go (Update)

Blame the Internet gods, or, at the very least, my webmaster.

In an effort to accomodate the complaints of several readers who had difficulty posting comments to this page, I requested yesterday that someone fix the settings in the comments section. They did. But at various points last night, every singly entry on this page was identical. (Cynics will say they still are: all filled with gibberish.)

Most posts have been retrieved from deep-space nine, or wherever these things go once they are out of sight and out of mind. We are still missing a handful from the past several weeks. They are, apparently, lost in the cosmos. (h/t: Walker Percy)

A few years back, I wearied of the keyboard world and pulled a page and hundreds of post, consigning them to outer darkness, where there is no weeping and pecking of keys. I suppose I regret killing all that stuff. But words come, and words go. I press on.

I have a deeply ambivalent relationship to the world of blogging, and have never been one to spend a lot of time culitvating readers by making it easy to comment on posts, or engaging in endless exchanges with those who comment. Engagement is the key to success in blogging, I've read. I prefer my modest failure and bad citizenship.

But I do note the humor of last night's crash. In an effort to make the page more accessible to commenters, I killed the page. There's a message in there somewhere.

 Update: Content restored. Thanks, Nate!

Comments: (1)

  • Deep Space Nine
    What are you talking about? It's the CIA, dumdum. They don't like your freedom of speech. They think you're a terrorist. And you are, of sorts.
    Posted on February 21, 2012 at 3:05 am by william doriss

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