Hey, Brother, Can You Spare $1,700?

Questions remain about the relationship between the Trial Lawyers College and the Spence Foundation. But that doesn't stop the fund-raising beat from tapping out a steady rhythm. Although the master, Gerry Spence, is retiring from the fray, he's still the college's most potent draw, and its most determined fundraiser.

Earlier in the month, college alums received a special appeal for funds from Spence. He's looking for 20 folks to commit to $1,700 each. The proceeds would be used to fund scholarships for public defenders to attend to the college's death penalty seminar scheduled for early June. Unless there are contributors, the seminar may be cancelled.

Here's the message. I am on the fence about contributing. I am sour on the college, but keen on assuring that there are well-trained lawyers to oppose the death penalty. Besides, for $1,700 I can my gift engraved on Spence's heart. I am not sure what that means, but it sounds nice.

The college is a flawed tool. But fighting the death penalty can be done even with a hammer.

Read on and decide for yourself whether to send a check

A message from Gerry Spence


Don't read this if you can't stand another request for money. But this one can strike out at the killer of all killers -- the state.

The most important work we do is the Death Penalty Seminar in which we teach brave lawyers who work for so little, with so little, how to beat the evil specter wearing the black hood and carrying the killing scythe. We cannot survive in a society in which the state becomes the licensed killer of its own citizens, which, in the end, reduces us all to killers since together we are the state.

Public defenders have no money to attend our seminar. It will cost us about $1700 per student. My goal is to find twenty of our grads who will give a scholarship to twenty of these saints who are so despised by so many for the divine work that they do.

Please send your check right away. The seminar will begin June 12 if we aren't required to cancel it. Not much time. I will engrave your gift on my heart.


Send your check to P. O. Box 943, Jackson, WY 83001 or contact Laurie at info@triallawyerscollege.com

Call us at (307) 734-4430Forward this to a friend Unsubscribe to the list

TLC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that does not pay any of its legal-faculty staff, including Gerry Spence. TLC's mission is to create better lawyers for the people and defenders of the accused against the corporate and government power structure.Trial Lawyers CollegeP. O. Box 943, Jackson, WY 83001O/ 307-734-4430 F/307-733-5248

Comments: (3)

  • Dear Gerry,
    You are rich. Not just well off. Yo...
    Dear Gerry,
    You are rich. Not just well off. You're rich with a capital "R."
    Your children are rich. Your wife has a large enough trust to live forever on. No one in your family will ever want for anything financial.
    You're old and going to die sooner than any of us would like. Divest yourself of your money while living, so that you may watch the money grow from a seed to an oak tree.
    Use your money to start changing lives. Do it today.
    All of the robber barons pledged their fortunes to charities. Rockefeller build libraries. Ford built hospitals. Modern corporate barons like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have pledged their fortunes to the less fortunate: They are saving lives in Africa.
    How can you rail against corporate greed when you yourself keep the money clinched tightly to your own vest?
    Your hypocrisy has grown tired - especially among those who read your books, and believed that your words reflected the values of your heart.
    Posted on May 26, 2010 at 10:56 am by Mike
  • I agree with the cause, but what a scam. Ooompah! ...
    I agree with the cause, but what a scam. Ooompah! Hi m0m. What exactly is going on here?!?
    Posted on May 26, 2010 at 11:01 am by William Doriss
  • I staffed the death penalty college. At least thr...
    I staffed the death penalty college. At least three students heartfully gave thanks to the unnamed donors who allowed them to attend. The trial team from the killing at fort hood was there. There was another team from Lubbock who are defending a young man who the govt is trying to kill. They gained so much from the week as did everyone else in attendance including myself. Two exonerated men shared their horrific stories with us and opened themselves up as protagonists so we could learn from them to help the next defendant. Should you donate a scholarship? Hell yes. Should everyone donate to this program? Hell yes.
    Posted on June 25, 2010 at 11:10 am by Cheryl Carpenter

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