Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Chatigny

United States District Court Judge Roboert Chatigny was nomination to the Second Circuit was approved by an 11-7 vote this afternoon. His nomination now goes to the full Senate, where he is all but certain to be approved. Chatigny Approved


Comments: (1)

  • Not if I have anything to say about. This is bad n...
    Not if I have anything to say about. This is bad news. I was in contact with Sen. Kerry's office today, not about this but closely related matters. They wanted to know if I had contacted the Attorney General's office in CT. Ha! These people are soooo stew-pid! Kerry will be hearing from me again, the Scott-Heard-Round-the-World as well. My e-mail machine and telephoning will go into overdrive real soon. Federal Judge ChatKnee is NOT qualified to judge the Westminster Dog Show at Madison Square Garden.
    Kerry is much better in person than on camera. Let me guess, it was a totally partisan vote? Typical! That's why we gotta throw the bums out.
    Posted on June 10, 2010 at 9:39 am by William Doriss

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