Some Changes

I am generally stiff-necked, proud and given to stuffing wax into my years. But I've heard enough folks comment about the black background on the prior incarnation of this page to finally get it. So I redesigned this page. I also added a feature that permits readers to suggest topics on which I should write. I can't guarantee I will listen -- when have I ever? But it could be interesting.

Thanks for reading.

Comments: (2)

  • "Stuffing wax into my years..." Say what? Pretty s...
    "Stuffing wax into my years..." Say what? Pretty soon you'll be stuffing years into your wax [museum image]. Ha! Stuffing wax into your ears fits the context, but what do I know? I'm not an attorney or a member of the bar. What would Busy Bysie say? Inquiring Minds want to know.
    To the point, since most of your readership are peers, apparently, I wonder if the black background is somehow symbolic,...and subliminally troublesome? Let me spell it out: B-L-A-C-K R-0-B-E-S R US. Ha!
    I note in passing, the announced retirement of Justice John Paul Stevens. Apparently, he was a 'sleeper', the least well-known of the nine Supreme Court justices, and perhaps the most independent. And, by default, perhaps the best of the current lot. Thanks PBS and New Yorker Magazine for pointing that out to us recently.
    Getting back on topic, the black background does not bother me one bit. It's a change from the normal white background we see day-in-and-day-out, and somehow compelling for me, personally. But hey, try this for a while, wait a few weeks and put this up to the readership for a definitive vote. Or, how about this: alternate black and white every month or so, an attempt to mediate a solution between the competing constituencies? (I'm going to stuff the ballot box by going to every public library I can think of. Ha!)
    That's what Sandra Day would do. P.S., not my favorite S.C. justice, but hey, she gave it 'the old college try', and I'm sure she meant well. Ruth Bader is my gal. Sonia SootyMayor,...well, we'll just have to wait and see. So far, she's at the opposite end of the spectrum from Clarence 'My-Lips-Are-Sealed' Thomas,...Doubting Thomas to you Neo-Cons. (Emphasis the 'con'.) That cannot be a 'bad' thing.
    Posted on April 11, 2010 at 6:41 am by William Doriss
  • Hey, I like Homer. What can I say?
    Hey, I like Homer. What can I say?
    Posted on April 11, 2010 at 7:42 am by Norm Pattis

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