Sunshine In Georgia

The one-size-fits-all approach to the law-enforcement treatment and classification of sex offenders is on the chopping block. Both the George House and Senate have approved legislation that would give folks required to register on the state's sex offender registry to the right to petition the courts for removal from the list.

Of course, no all offenders will be eligible for removal. Only those folks convicted of less serious offenses are eligible to petition for removal.

The bill was passed by the George House of Representatives in March; it cleared the Georgia Senate by a vote of 45-0 yesterday.

Stay tuned. It may soon by champagne-cork poppin' time.

Also listed under: Sex Offenders and Justice

Comments: (3)

  • Nice site, very informative. I like to read this.,...
    Nice site, very informative. I like to read this.,it is very helpful in my part for my criminal law studies.
    Posted on April 22, 2010 at 10:45 am by seodinah
  • Thank you. I have another web page with broader co...
    Thank you. I have another web page with broader content.
    Posted on April 22, 2010 at 10:47 am by Norm Pattis
  • This is good to see happening. There must be some...
    This is good to see happening. There must be some clear thinking people in Georgia. I just hope though that all the people who committed offenses that prior to the Adam Walsh type laws were misdemeanors and "became" felonies will have a change to get their crimes looked at again. These are for non violent crimes, yet it's ruining their lives. (losing jobs, family, having to move, fear from vigilantes).
    Posted on April 24, 2010 at 3:46 pm by suetiggers

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