The Death Of A Kind Man Noted

One of the good guys died today, United States District Court Judge Dominic J. Squatrito. He was 82.
I don't know how many cases I tried before him. It was a lot. All were federal civil rights verdicts. Several of them were astounding. He presided as a common man, never putting on airs, always making the lawyers feel as though they were welcome in the people's court. He married my wife and me in chambers, his staff serving champagne and cake to us. We were both shy. It was a second marriage for both of us. He told me later I was lucky to find love. He was right.
As I gravitated away from the federal courts, I saw less of him. But I would from time to time get a nice note from him. Now I will forever be kept from the warmth of his good cheer -- except in memory, where he shall live for so long as I do.
Farewell, judge. I loved you, even if I never knew how to say it.


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