TLC: Oh, No! Not Jo?

The anonymous comments on this blog raise interesting questions: Who is sending them? What agenda is being served in each instance? I often don't comment on anonymous posts. Why bother? But one did catch my eye today.

A writer going by the name "John" raised an interesting point about former TLC Executive Director Joane Garcia-Colson. ("TLC: Who Feeds The Cash Cow?")Is it true that she was earning $200,000 for a part-time job? And is it true that despite having been paid more than a million dollars over her tenure, her name is not on the top 50 donors' list.

First, it is true that Garcia-Colson's name is not on the list.

Next, I cannot tell from what I have been sent just what she was paid. The 2007 TLC IRS Form 990 reports her compensation as approximately $37,500 for the year on Statement 3. That sum is certainly not the whole story. A more meaningful picture emerges for the first three months of 2009, where a total of $77,352 was paid on "Staff Salaries, PR Taxes & Benefits." I assume that covers more than just Garcia-Colson, but I cannot tell. Interestingly, whoever sent me the financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2008 and 2009 deleted pages 9-11, which may contain this information: I simply don't know.

So, your guess is as good as mine regarding Garcia-Colson's compensation.

I do believe her job was far from part-time, however. There are programs taking place somewhere virtually every month of the year. How much it takes to organize those is beyond my ken.

At the 80/15 celebration a new executive director was named. Perhaps she and Jude will cough up the numbers, lending transparency to an opaque set of issues.

Perhaps the person who sent me these forms, again anonymously, will step up. The Post Office Box written on the envelope in which the material arrived is written in a shaky hand. But I made out the state and town, and I contacted the one tribe member who lives in that town. This person knowns nothing about the package, I am told. Someone is going to extraordinary lengths to keep their hand hidden. Why?

Comments: (20)

  • Norm, I did some research and I got you all the TL...
    Norm, I did some research and I got you all the TLC number = a full set of the 990 filing. It looks like our Joane was making $170,000 year for her services.
    For those biting to see the number in all their raw glory check out the below pdf.
    Posted on September 8, 2009 at 11:50 am by John on the trail
  • On part V-A it says Joane got $170,000 in salary a...
    On part V-A it says Joane got $170,000 in salary and another $30,000 contributed to her employee benefit plan. I guess that equals $200,000. Sweeeeeet!
    Posted on September 8, 2009 at 12:33 pm by John digging deeper
  • Damn. Let me know next time job is open. Think I...
    Damn. Let me know next time job is open. Think I would get the job?
    Posted on September 8, 2009 at 12:39 pm by Norm Pattis
  • If they offered me a million dollars a year, it wo...
    If they offered me a million dollars a year, it wouldn't be enough to compensate me for having to deal with Spence and his ego.
    Posted on September 8, 2009 at 3:26 pm by Anonymous
  • Shit! I want it too! But I'll make you an offer ...
    Shit! I want it too! But I'll make you an offer - we can split it! Two assholes for the price of one. Such a deal! Move over Jude you have been out bid!
    But a better question is why after nine years at the helm of TLC wouldn't Gerry name Joana to take his place after he goes off to the happy hunting ground?
    Maybe he didn't like Joane putting his image on coffee mugs, or TLC finding its way on to thongs, maybe he didn't like how she used her power to pick who was on staff as a tool to weed out the old guard that gave her a wall of shit, in favor of a new guard that supported her ambitions.
    Maybe he didn't like the direction that she was taking the school's program? That it was starting to exhibit cult like behavior.
    Maybe after she found out that her plans for taking over TLC were going astray - that Gerry was going to name Jude as his successor instead of her - she became filled with rage. Maybe she started treating eighty year old Gerry like shit, screaming at him in front of Imaging.
    Once she was the all powerful Joane, making $200,000 a year as the high priestess of the Cult of Spence - which she zealously and shamelessly packaged and sold to the world for almost ten years straight.
    Now she is out. And I get the impression she is very, very, bitter about it.
    And in her place is the boring, stable, tried and true Jude. Who as an ex-football captain might have an idea or two how to build a team. Who has the support of the old guard, who treats old men and women with respect. Who has no delusions of power and has simple ambitions for the school - like actually teaching something useful.
    Norm, you are right, under the old management the school wasn't very transparent. And I agree with you that the school's finances definitely need to be transparent. And now that it has new management maybe they will be. And that, believe it or not, is something that you are helping make happen.
    The only thing that makes me sad - and I find this really depressing - is I really did have a thing for those TLC thongs. We should definitely save one or two for the TLC museum. We can put them right next to the Kool-Aid stand.
    Jimmy Jones
    Posted on September 8, 2009 at 5:22 pm by Jimmy Jones
  • Or those of some of the other board members - Parr...
    Or those of some of the other board members - Parris, Zelbst, Basile, Foreman, Kent Spence. Big Big egos all!
    Posted on September 8, 2009 at 6:18 pm by Anonymous
  • Jimmy:
    Only fools and sychophants think the questi...
    Only fools and sychophants think the questions raised here actuall hurt TLC. Gerry is a great lawyer, but he's swimming in dangerous waters. When he listed himself as "America's Finest Trial Lawyer" he lost me. No one with any sense renders such judgments. It is simple vanity. I've held a mirror up fir Spence and the college. Spence may fume about the image reflected, but if he calms down and reads his own blog, my rejection of him is actually a great gift. If the college wants to be taken seriously it has to shed Spence'S misplaced quest for immortality, become transparent and, most difficult of all, ban Kool Aid in the cook house. Let 's see if Jude can do it. Interstitial g interpretation of Joane's departure.
    Posted on September 8, 2009 at 7:11 pm by Norm Pattis
  • Jimmy Jones - Obviously you are blinded by the coo...
    Jimmy Jones - Obviously you are blinded by the cool aid you have drunk. Gerry is the high priest of TLC, along with his hand selected board. Joanne didn't have any power to do anything. She didn't approve the lease, didn't even have a vote on the board. All decisions on who was on staff were made by the board as were all decisions of who was not invited on staff. Charlie Abourezk and John Nolte were thrown off the board by Gerry, not Joanne. Thong decision, Imagines. Compensation decisions, the boards. Direction of the college, Gerry's and the boards. Transperency, release of financial information, up to the board too. And come on, Joanne was a woman, no way in hell would spence ever give a woman the kind of power you speak of. There aren't even any women partners at his law firm. Joanne wasn't perfect but she was certainly not a power monger. Oh and by the way, most of the items with Mr. Spence's picture on it were ordered by Imagine after Joanne was gone.
    Posted on September 9, 2009 at 1:34 am by Anonymous
  • Jimmy - - don't know what happened in the incident...
    Jimmy - - don't know what happened in the incident that you describe as "treating 80 year old Gerry like shit, screaming at him in front of Imaging," but I do know that Gerry is not a frail, sickly 80 year old. Anyone who has had the opportunity to see him take apart board members, staff members and students who have the chutzpah to disagree with him can confirm that. He is fully in control of his faculties and has a bad temper. You paint a picture of someone abusing the elderly, and that isn't at all an accurate picture. Don't pull the age card to get sympathy.
    Posted on September 9, 2009 at 2:02 am by Anonymous
  • I was a student in last year's class and one of my...
    I was a student in last year's class and one of my classmates directly asked Gerry why he didn't have any women partners. He couldn't answer that question but said that he had a partner in TLC and that was Joanne. That she was making his dreams for TLC come true. Many, many times he told us how the college wouldn't exist were it not for her, for her love, hardwork and dedication and how grateful he was to her. Hmmm.....never even mentioned Jude. In fact, he was barely at TLC last year (that I recall) nor have I seen him at any Regional I have attended in the last few years. But Joanne was at everything and made sure all of us were taken care of. She encouraged me to apply to the full college when I didn't think I would be selected. Responded to every email I sent her and answered all my questions. She could be tough but she cared enough to be there. No doubt she was paid, but in my opinion, she deserved every penny.
    And besides, the point of Norm's posts aren't about Joanne, they are about the lack of transperancy, the interlocking boards, the refusal to provide financial information, the sham lease (which Norm pointed out wasn't even voted on by a quuourm of the board), the structure of TLC and the Spence Foundation. I have always heard a good defense is a great offense. It is clear to me that someone wants to divert eveyone's attention from the real issues and blame Joanne for the decisions the board made and its failure of transperancy. Wonder who that could be?
    Posted on September 9, 2009 at 2:15 am by Anonymous
  • Thank you Norm and Anonymous, Jimmy stands correct...
    Thank you Norm and Anonymous, Jimmy stands corrected. Jimmy will definitely be checking that batch of Kool-Aid he has been sipping on.
    But come on guys, can a school like TLC really afford to be paying a director $200K a year? It means that every dime ever raised by that stupid and uncomfortable auction has been going to pay the director's salary. That's ugly.
    And Joane has many fine qualities, and she served her master well for many, many, years. But we didn't hear a peep of discontent out of her until she got passed over. I always saw her and Gerry connected at the hip. But maybe that wasn't really the case.
    And Anonymous, you sound like you might be of the feminine persuasion. Any chance of you and Jimmy hooking up. Jimmy, unlike the Spence man loves powerful and dominating females.
    Posted on September 9, 2009 at 3:53 am by Jimmy Jones
  • You make a major assumption Jimmy, that Joanne wan...
    You make a major assumption Jimmy, that Joanne wanted to be president and is upset that she wasn't chosen. Maybe you should ask her if she wanted it. Maybe you should ask Gerry and the board who they considered - if you even believe the board had anything to do with who was chosen. From what I know from talking to various board members and to Joanne, she had no desire to have that position. And as for her leaving, I think she has said she was burned out. Have you read the multi page list of her job responsibiities she posted when she first left or her blog posting called "The Wheel"? I have and I can tell you that I wouldn't want her job for all the money in the world. And it isn't fair to blame her for the decisions of the board or the decisions of Gerry Spence. Have you asked yourself why the board and all its members are now being silent? They could easily answer all the questions Norm raises. But not a one has spoken.
    Posted on September 9, 2009 at 4:54 am by Anonymous
  • I just found on the 990 that Katlin is getting $53...
    I just found on the 990 that Katlin is getting $53, 000 for working at the college. Now can anyone tell me if she is working more than ten weeks a year at the school? Because at ten weeks a year she is being paid on an annualized basis the equivalent of $265,000 a year. Nice gig.
    I want a job at TLC. Screw being a lawyer - I want to be a psychodramatist. Easy money.
    Read for yourself:
    Posted on September 9, 2009 at 7:56 am by John digging deeper
  • And I have heard that Katlyn has recently asked th...
    And I have heard that Katlyn has recently asked the board to give her and the other psychodramatists a raise so that her pay would be a whopping $1,100 per day!! Doesn't that work out to be $400,400 per year on an annualized basis? What are Don and Cathy and Josh paid?
    Posted on September 9, 2009 at 9:28 am by Anonymous
  • Let's do a role reversal. I want to crawl into th...
    Let's do a role reversal. I want to crawl into their hides - or at least their wallets!
    Posted on September 9, 2009 at 4:07 pm by Mike
  • Don't most lawyers charge more than $1,100 per day...
    Don't most lawyers charge more than $1,100 per day? I know I do.
    Posted on September 9, 2009 at 5:54 pm by Anonymous
  • For that matter, if a psychotherapist sees eight p...
    For that matter, if a psychotherapist sees eight patients per day at $150/hour, she will charge more than $1,100 per day. Katlyn is charging what she could make if she just operated full-time as a psychotherapist, which is what she did before she began consulting with TLC. Plus, she's worth it.
    Posted on September 10, 2009 at 12:32 am by Anonymous
  • I agree about Kaitlin. She is gifted and a gem in ...
    I agree about Kaitlin. She is gifted and a gem in the college's crown.
    Posted on September 10, 2009 at 12:39 am by Norm Pattis
  • Katlin may be gifted but she has a major attitude ...
    Katlin may be gifted but she has a major attitude problem. She rarely makes herself available to us students and tends to be aloof and distant, rarely talks to students and most of the time seems like she is in a bad mood or depressed. It has been my experience that she only gives attention to those who want to hire her for consulting work. If you aren't in that category, she has no time for you.
    Posted on September 12, 2009 at 3:22 pm by Anonymous
  • Mirror mirror on the hall, which one of you
    is the...
    Mirror mirror on the hall, which one of you
    is the biggest ass hole of all. ?
    Is it the one who says he carries his mirror
    to hold up, but it beams back ?
    The drama was not Obama, but
    But, why the religion thing,
    when you never took the pledge ?
    Mirror mirror on the wall,
    which diploma is the most worthless of all ?
    They traveled from the coast, expecting
    the most, the Barn was not kosher,
    but was laking upholsher.
    We left, uplifted, then the helium seeped out
    of the baloon, then some felt like loons.
    But, not to fear, we were not branded
    Shia, by the high priests of
    NYC, simple- minded justice.
    Mirror mirror on the wall,
    we can not stop time, it waits for
    none of the court's jesters.
    We live, we some time learn, and often yearn.
    Mirror on the wall, where do you shine,
    we often do opine.
    Reno was on the Ridge,
    Custer got slaughtered,
    littlte Big Horn was a declaration,
    then some had a celebration.
    Take it all so serious, who are the chosen
    ones, the Warriors in feathers,
    wearing leather
    we are reaping what we sow,
    the winds are forming,
    the clouds are stormy,
    we have arrived. Norm has unsubcribed.
    Posted on October 17, 2009 at 6:51 am by Anonymous

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