Blog Posts

Law School: Grades Don't Matter

"Where is he in law school?"
The question was natural enough. A good friend asked it of me after I raved about one of my summer associates.
"Good question," I responded. "I never thought to ask."
She was incredulous. Not only had I never inquired about where the young man went to law...

Judas and the Judge

Tomorrow George Leniart will be sentenced as a capital felon. The state did not seek the death penalty. Why? Because the state had no body, no tangible proof that there was, in fact, a murder. But it went ahead and charged Mr. Leniart anyhow. It did so based on the word of several jailhouse...

Humanitarian Law Project's Slippery Slope

Today's Supreme Court decision involving material support for terrorist organizations leaves unanswered a question the Government apparently argued and dissent framed: Can a lawyer be prosecuted for representing a terrorist group before the United Nations or even the Supreme Court itself?

Westlaw's Lightning Fast Response

I wrote the other day about my decision to stop doing business with Westlaw. My primary complaint was that the firm's billing practices are at best Byzantine, although the practices lack the charm of the exotic. Readers from across the country responded. I am not the only person who Westlaw has...

Smart Thinking In Philadelphia's D.A.'s Office

There may be hope after all, at least in Philadelphia. R. Seth Williams, the city's new district attorney, is doing the unthinkable: he's trying to get smart on crime. In Williams' mind that means something more than throwing the book at everyone who makes a mistake. It means making an intelligent...

CNN: Time For A New King?

It looks as though I will have to act fast if I ever hope to land a spot as a guest on the Larry King show. The king of CNN has but a year left in his contract. At 76, with ratings flailing, King is no longer the thing he once was. Rumor has it that CNN is clueless about his replacement.

The Nigerians Aren't Alone In Fostering Internet Scams ...

... So is the Democratic Party. I got this email this morning. Apparently, I have some sort of account. See for yourself. I have an account number and everything. There is even a date the account was opened.
The only problem is I have never made a contribution and I do not recall ever opening...

Elena Kagan: Privilege Is Boring

Only The New York Times could publish a piece of middle-class hagiography and expect readers to gush. Me? I read this morning's piece on Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's family with a sense of seething discontent. Another child of privilege movin' on up, or so it seems to me. I wanted to throw...

Father's Day and the Shadow of Things Past

I usually try to go into hiding on Father's Day. The Hallmark holidays strike as little more than marketing gimmicks. But the real reason I hide is that I am just not ready to be a father. I never was. And now my children are all in their mid-twenties. Come Father's Day, I am all regret and fear. I...

© Norm Pattis is represented by Elite Lawyer Management, managing agents for Exceptional American Lawyers
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