Blog Posts

Darrow v. Kagan: Contrasting Candidates

It is a tale of two nominees, one the golden child of doting Upper West Side, Manhattan parents, seemingly destined for great things and expensively reared and educated, the other largely self-made, the product of two blue-collar workers struggling to get by in Detroit. While the child of Manhattan...

Darrow V. Kagan: Stark Choice For Senate

It is a tale of two nominees, one the golden child of doting Upper West Side, Manhattan parents, seemingly destined for great things and expensively reared and educated, the other largely self-made, the product of two blue-collar workers struggling to get by in Detroit. While the child of Manhattan...

Turow's Innocent: Trial Rendered Almost Perfectly

I like my novels to resemble the life I lead: conflict-driven, filled with complex and often insoluble problems, and striving, against all expectations, for something like grace. Hence, I love Scott Turow's fiction. For my money, he is the best lawyer-writer alive. His latest, Innocent, is a...

Show Your Support For Gerry Darrow

Disturbed by yet another nomination of a justice with no apparent experience with what really goes on in the trial courts? Show your support for a people's lawyer on the court by wearing this Gerry Darrow button.
You can get one by sending $3.99 shipping and handling to:
Who Is Gerry...

Show Your Support For Gerry Darrow

Want to see Gerry Darrow, a people's lawyer, on the Supreme Court? Show your support by wearing this lapel pin. Provoke a discussion about what's wrong with the courts and what can be do to change them. The cost is $3.99 for shipping and handling To order: Who Is Gerry Darrow?P.O. Box 280649 Amity...

The Forgotten Fourth Amendment?

We have begun the slide down the slippery slope. Where this ride ends is anyone's guess. But we may soon be asking of the Fourth Amendment what libertarians often ask of the Ninth Amendment: Where did it go?
The Fourth Amendment is fragile of necessity. It draws no bright line against the...

Kagan Goes Kerplunk: Brilliance Isn't Enough

There is no joy in Mudville in the wee hours of this day of mourning. It's now all but official. The die is cast. Hours from now President Barack Obama, the most improbable of presidents, will announce, once and for all, that in the dark night of the soul, politics simply is what it is, a...

Kagan Tapped As "Tandem Nominee" For Court

The Senate Judiciary Committee today announced that it would only consider the nomination of Gerry Darrow for a seat on the United States Supreme Court if the president also submitted the name of a more conventional candidate to be considered at the same time.
In a terse, one-line announcement,...

Kagan Tapped As "Tandem Nominee" For Court

The Senate Judiciary Committee today announced that it would only consider the nomination of Gerry Darrow for a seat on the United States Supreme Court if the president also submitted the name of a more conventional candidate to be considered at the same time.
In a terse, one-line announcement,...

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