Blog Posts

Hey, Homeland Security: Fuck Off!

The security police have been busy this holiday season. Why just yesterday, Special Agent Robert Flaherty turned up on the doorstep of a blogger with what purported to be a subpoena and threatened the blogger with arrest if he did not reveal the source of information posted on the blogger's web...

Hysteria 101

"When planning a purchase to buy or build a new home, the first place a parent needs to research is the registered sex offender registry site provided by the government. It is free. The following link will show you detailed information on sex offenders who reside in your neighborhood. Be sure to...

Fiddling About the Super Bowl

If there is a God, and if that God has a wicked sense of humor, the following lyrics will be sung at this year's half-time performance at the Super Bowl.
"I'm your wicked Uncle Ernie
I'm glad you won't see or hear me
As I fiddle about ....
"Your mother left me here to mind...

"Fiddle About" at the Super Bowl?

If there is a God, and if that God has a wicked sense of humor, the following lyrics will be sung at this year's half-time performance at the Super Bowl.
"I'm your wicked Uncle Ernie
I'm glad you won't see or hear me
As I fiddle about ....
"Your mother left me here to mind...

Another Year In The Trenches

Come next week, I start another trial. This one is a capital felony, although the state is not seeking death. I suppose it's hard for the state to get up enough blood lust when there are no photographs of a mangled corpse to show the jury. In this case, a young woman simply disappeared many years...

Night of the Living Dead, Maryland Style ...

The murder of 11-year-old Sarah Haley Foxwell in Maryland is already the stuff of legend. Two days before Christmas, the child turned up missing. Her aunt, with whom she lived, had briefly dated a sex offender. As the frantic residents of Salisbury searched for her, panic spread: 3,000 people...

Night of the Living Dead, Maryland Style...

The murder of 11-year-old Sarah Haley Foxwell in Maryland is already the stuff of legend. Two days before Christmas, the child turned up missing. Her aunt, with whom she lived, had briefly dated a sex offender. As the frantic residents of Salisbury searched for her, panic spread: 3,000 people...

When Even Your Adversaries Agree ...

A week or so ago, I wrote about a child sex case I had recently tried and lost. The case was terrifying. A girl claimed her uncle had fondled her when she was between the ages of 7 and 10. She first made these allegations when she was a teenager. She testified against my client when she was...

When Even Your Adversaries Agree ...

A week or so ago, I wrote about a child sex case I had recently tried and lost. The case was terrifying. A girl claimed her uncle had fondled her when she was between the ages of 7 and 10. She first made these allegations when she was a teenager. She testified against my client when she was...

Saying Farewell To A Cherished Friend

The morning has a depressive and uncertain sort of feel to it. As the day begins, all of my parts are in order. But I know that when night falls, the surgery will be over. Some significant part of me will be removed. Come tomorrow I will make do with what remains. I am calm. But I am also...

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