Blog Posts

Paul's Story: No More Victims!

Note: An anguished mother sent me this today, and I have obtained her permission to post this. I am told it has appeared elsewhere.
Thank you, Sue.
Paul's Story
"In the eyes of the law, my son is a registered sex offender in Illinois. This is the furthest thing from the truth, a truth...

Warehousing Sex Offenders

Hartford is home to 10 percent of Connecticut's registered sex offenders, and the city doesn't like it one bit. A recent news story reports that 537 sex offenders live within the city's 18 square mile. With all those sex offenders you'd expect a libidinal tidal wave to overtake the city. Here's the...

Warehousing Sex Offenders

Hartford is home to 10 percent of Connecticut's registered sex offenders, and the city doesn't like it one bit. A recent news story reports that 537 sex offenders live within the city's 18 square mile. With all those sex offenders you'd expect a libidinal tidal wave to overtake the city. Here's the...

Jury Verdicts And Blindman's Bluff

One day, in some courtroom in the United States, a juror will stand up in the middle of a criminal case and shout: "Liar, liar, robe on fire!" I hope it happens in Connecticut. Here is why.
When we refuse to let juries know the truth about the consequences of a conviction in a criminal case we...

A Texas Nightmare

Check out this post on one family's nightmare with the sex offender registry.
hat tip: R

Underground Railroad For Sex Offenders?

During the years preceding the civil war, a netword of abolitionists developed in the United States. These folks helped spirit African-Americans to slavery by forming an underground railroad. It appears that something similar is taking place today, although the goal is far different.

A Sex Offender In Santa's Shop?

The following was reported today on Wierd World News. It is a perfect illustration of the sort of silliness than comes of branding folks as sex offenders.
Apparently one of the folks volunteering to answer letters to Santa Claus is a registered sex offender. Hence, the United States Postal...

Sioux City's Sexual Gulag

In the 1950s Sioux City and the good people of Iowa snapped. Two grisly murders of children, one still unsolved fifty years later, unhinged common folks. And hence a tragedy was born of the neccesity to do something, anything, to displace the anxiety that comes of confronting evil.
Laws were...

New Blog: Defending Sex Crimes

The barriers to entry into the blawgosphere are perishingly low, so forgive me for starting another blog. This one will be devoted to sex offenses and the defense of those accused of them. Here's the link, and the first post:
A Sexophrenic...

A Sexophrenic Culture

Let's face it, we are a sexophrenic culture. On the one hand, we celebrate and market sexuality: Turn on the television, look at a magazine advertisement, walk down a street: Sex sells everything from toothpaste to automobiles. We manipulate and cultivate desire.
Yet at the same time that we do...

© Norm Pattis is represented by Elite Lawyer Management, managing agents for Exceptional American Lawyers
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