Blog Posts

Eric Robert Might See Things Too Clearly

I’ve never met Eric Robert of South Dakota, but what I’ve read about him makes me wonder whether he is a little too sane for the rest of us. The only safe thing to do is to kill him and claim that we are doing justice. At least that is the course the state of South Dakota is taking....

Who Feeds The Sheep?, And Using The F-Word In Court

Twice in twenty-four hours I recently drew criticism from folks I respect. So I am doing a little soul-searching.
I was on a panel in New Haven sponsored by the American Civil Liberties Union discussing the challenge new technologies pose to privacy. One of the panelists was a fellow...

Komisarjevsky: Human, All Too Human

I am sick to death of the Cheshire home invasion cases. They linger, like a nightmare that will not go away. If there is a reason for good cheer, it is that this final trial, the penalty phase in the case of Joshua Komisarjevsky, is now upon us. It is fitting in a gruesome sort of way that the...

Lost Memory Of Skin: Harsh Truths Half Explored

“These men are human beings, not chimpanzees or gorillas. They belong to the same species as we do. And we’re not hardwired to commit these acts. If, as it appears, the percentage of the male population who commit these acts has increased exponentially in recent years, and it’s...

Citigroup Laughing All The Way To The Bank

I suppose reports that the Security and Exchange Commission just extracted a $285 million settlement from Citigroup for mortgage-related fraud ought to come as welcome news. But some part of me suspects this fine is little more than taking back some of the money the federal government gave the...

Occupy, Killing Frost and Starlings

I spent a lot of time this past summer studying the behavior of starlings, and trying to figure out what makes instantaneous communication among a large group possible. Hundreds of thousands birds can fly in massive, non-choreographed, but seemingly coordinated and breathtakingly beautiful...

Cold Noses and Wagging Tales In Court

I have, from time to time, been known to lose my cool in court. I’ve fumed at judges, witnesses, even marshals. On one occasion I was sent abruptly to the lockup for words spoken to a marshal by a judge who thought due process was a board game. Courtrooms make me tense. There’s a lot on...

The Political Economy Of Strategic Vandalism

We are more than the mere sum of our possessions, of course. But what we own has real significance: it marks our place in society, the elbow-rubbing world of men and women sharing a place at a given moment in time. Distributive justice defines our sense of how possessions ought to be shared in a...

Felt Necessity Is The Point

“To what end?” a friend asked this week while discussing the protests originating in Wall Street and spreading now from one city to the next. “What’s the point?”
We were two lawyers standing in the hallway of a local court, wasting billable hours while awaiting...

Komisarjevsky: Thirteen Killers?

Here’s the closing argument I would like to see Jeremiah Donovan give on behalf of Joshua Komisarjevsky. Something tells me he won’t.
"Four years ago, a family in Cheshire was destroyed and all of us awoke to a living nightmare. I doubt there is a person in Connecticut who is...

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