Blog Posts

Book Signing -- Taking Back The Courts

The good folks at Barnes and Noble in North Haven, Connecticut, are sponsoring a book signing for my new book Taking Back the Courts. I will be there next Thursday, September 22, 2011, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. I write here because there is a rumor afoot that the signing is tonight.
Here is the...

Lawmakers Need To Look At "Trial Tax"

I’ve never faced the prospect of going to prison. I’ve not sat with a lawyer and been offered a plea deal: Either take the five years the state is offering or go to trial. If you lose trial, you face decades in prison. I’ve never heard my lawyer say that the state’s case is...

Pimp-Walking For Justice At The DEA

A pre-dawn telephone call usually means one thing: federal agents have just come storm-trooping through someone’s home, making an arrest before the Sun comes up. A rattled mother, lover or spouse is usually making the call. They are terrified and upset. What happens next? they want to...

9/11, Loss and Ceremony

We’ve survived the tenth anniversary of 9/11. The media reports no shocking new acts of terror. We’ve waved flags, declared both the victims of the attack and those victimized by their response to the catastrophe heros. We’ve stood by while those who lost so much in the wake of...

Jim Crow Takes Denise Nappier Out On A Date

If you don’t think race and class matter in policing, consider the case of Denise Nappier in Hartford, Connecticut. She was stopped and detained by the police the other night for driving a nice car in a housing project. She is a woman of color. The cops claimed that she could not produce...

Forgive Me If I Sit Out 9/11

Call me distracted, but when a note appeared on my computer screen from the editor of this newspaper reminding me that the 9/11 anniversary approached, it caught me by surprise. Was I intending to write about the tenth anniversary of the attack? For a week, I’ve been trying to muster some...

Komisarjevsky: The Real Trial In Cheshire II

Evidence is set to begin on September 19 in the trial of Joshua Komisarjevsky, the second of the two men accused of engaging in the brutal home invasion and slaughter of all but one member of the Petit family in Cheshire, Connecticut, in July 2007. The first trial ended in the conviction of Steven...

Punishing The Mentally Ill Mocks Justice

You wouldn’t lock up a person and punish them for being ill, would you? The very notion is obscene, an insult to our natural sense of justice and what is fair. Yet we lock up the mentally ill all the time in this country. One estimate puts at 350,000 the number of mentally ill men and women...

Summer Ends With Quiet Resolve

“Ever and ever have I been casting my line into the great unknown sea, and generally drawing it up with the hook as bare as when I threw it down; and still this in no way keeps me from dropping it in again and again, for surely sometime something will come along and bite. We are all fishers,...

Old Wounds Still For Sale At The Slave Mart

The South terrifies me. It always has. It seems like a region steeped in suppressed violence. All is politeness by the light of day, but when the Sun sets I worry about the things unsaid. The South seems like a place where ghosts linger, awaiting the gloam to finish work left...

© Norm Pattis is represented by Elite Lawyer Management, managing agents for Exceptional American Lawyers
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