Blog Posts

A Government Afraid Of Conscience

I wonder what the Government told grand jurors in the case of United States of America versus Julian P. Heicklen. The 78-year-old retired college professor was indicted on charges of jury tampering. He was charged under a statute designed and intended to make it a crime to try to influence a juror...

Why I Am A Hypocrite

The importance of hypocrisy cannot be overstated. We live by it, learn by it, and, I suspect, die firmly in its grip. Experience makes a mockery of principle given enough time. I am from time to time slapped silly by my inconsistencies. They nourish me, making me better able to see around the...

A Welcome Relief

My daughter, who shall be granted anonymity here, sent an email moments ago from New Zealand relaying that all is well. I am contacting Interpol to see if I can have her grounded and placed on house arrest!
We are among the lucky ones this time.
Thanks to all for the...

A Welcome Relief

My daughter, who shall be granted anonymity here, sent an email moments ago from New Zealand relaying that all is well. I am contacting Interpol to see if I can have her grounded and placed on house arrest!
We are among the lucky ones this time.
Thanks to all for the...

Christchurch Revisited

It seems like a long, long time ago that I first received word of this week's earthquake centered in Christchurch, New Zealand, but a woman I love, my daughter, was in the vicinity. I cannot help but wonder the way fathers do about her safety and welfare. But thus far not a word.
The folks...

Updated -- Christchurch, and a Long, Long Night

Odds are she is fine. The overwhelming odds are she will return home with stories to tell, a braver and wiser young woman now for having witnessed catastrophe, catastrophe that befell others. Always others.
But it’s been long hours now since the Earth buckled in South New Zealand....

Tague v. Emory: Two Peas In A Pod

I don’t know if Muskegon County Prosecutor Tony Tague is a humorless prick. He might just be stupid. Or mean. Or perhaps he is a representative of the kind of government we want, and therefore deserve. But one thing is certain: Mr. Tague met his match in Evan Emory.
Emory is a...

The Other America Reawakening?

The financial press was agog this week with reports that the New York Stock Exchange had reached a three-year high. Life is looking good for those with a stake in the big board. But what about the other America? How are residents of the subterranean continent living beneath the media’s radar...

Kunstler: A Lawyer Disturbing The Universe

So who was William M. Kunstler, after all? Watching the movie two of his daughters, Sarah and Emily Kunstler, released about the man, Disturbing the Universe, raises more questions than it provides answers. In the end, however, I think the answer is simple: Kunstler was a lawyer, a criminal defense...

A Fantastic Civil War Course

I spend a good deal of my time each week driving from one courthouse to another. But I don't mind. I listen to college courses on I Tunes U. This evening I write to recommend a class.
David Blight's Civil War and Reconstruction is brilliant. Or, more to the point, Blight is brilliant. The...

© Norm Pattis is represented by Elite Lawyer Management, managing agents for Exceptional American Lawyers
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