Blog Posts

The Kingdom of Heaven?

One of the oddest things I have noticed in recent years is just how many of the prosecutors I respect and admire have strong religious convictions. More than one has announced after a trial that they will be praying me. I have assembled a nice library of gifts from these folks. I suppose I ask for...

A Reputation Restored?

Something like hope twinkled in my client's eyes on Friday afternoon. A jury returned a verdict in his favor, awarding damages, including punitive dameges, against a woman who had accused him of sexual misconduct with her young daughter. The jury also awarded damages to a young girl who was alleged...

Why Wikileaks Matters

Wikileaks matters because government lies, and the United States Government is no exception. Liars don't want the truth exposed, so they prosecute those with the courage to tell it. It really is that simple. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise wants something the liars can confer, whether that...

Entitlement, Death and Twitter

We missed a tremendous opportunity to conduct an experiment of great significance in our courts. That’s because we didn’t have a crystal ball. Who really would have thought that courtroom spectators would unwittingly try to transform the tranquil of a courtroom into the electronic...

Twittering Nabobs of Death

It will be many years before a record is fully assembled about what role the media played in creating a death-chamber in the New Haven courtroom that was home to the trial of State v. Steven Hayes. Reporters flocked from around the world to behold the trial. Each seat was packed; television ews...

Julian Assange, Citizen of the World

Information knows no national boundaries; it flows, like the truth, across borders, and into the minds of those prepared to receive it. That is why governments everywhere view truth as an enemy. It is why, today, Julian Assange, a spokesman for Wikileaks, is in hiding.
Interpol has issued a...

Pioneer Square: All We Like Sheep

Zealotry is an equal opportunity destroyer of peace and tranquility. Mohamed Osman Mohamud apparently wanted to destroy ours with a well-placed bomb in Portland, Oregon; some anonymous arsonists wanted to destroy the peace of mind of those who worshipped with Mr. Mohamud at the Salman Al-Farisi...

Owning What You Say

I spent a predawn hour or so in a limousine yesterday being whisked from the quiet of my home in Connecticut to the busy streets of Manhattan. The good people at Fox News had asked me to be a guest on "Fox and Friends." The topic was whether the Choate Rosemary Hall boarding school in Wallingford,...

Justice DeLayed -- An Appeal To Watch

I am not shedding any tears over the conviction of former House Republican Majority Leader Thomas DeLay's conviction on money laundering charges earlier this week. His brand of politics leaves me cold. But I nonethelss shudder every time I see a defendant toppled by a novel application of the law....

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