Blog Posts

Deadlines and Moral Imbecility

If I had it to do all over again, I would have chosen an easier path. I would have learned to get along with folks, rather than draw lines in the ever-shifting sands of my ego and taste. I would have developed a taste for tidy grooming and an appropriate couture, rather than a pony tail and...

Pushing Back Against Crazy Child Pornography Laws

Criminal defense lawyers have two reactions to cases involving possession of child pornography: either the lawyer does not take such cases as a matter of principle, or the lawyer takes the case with a sense of foreboding approaching despair. The law involving possession of child pornography is...

What To Do About Child Pornography Laws

Criminal defense lawyers have two reactions to cases involving possession of child pornography: either the lawyer does not take such cases as a matter of principle, or the lawyer takes the case with a sense of foreboding approaching despair. The law involving possession of child pornography is...

The Importance Of Wax In Your Ears: The Blawgosphere

Mike Cernovich is hanging out at my house for a week. He comes out to Connecticut from the left coast every so often to help with briefing. But the real purpose of his visit is to talk. Mike, of Crime and Federalism fame, is a young guy, but he is precocious. One might even say wise. In any case, I...

Getting The Government We Deserve

I spoke to a young lawyer on the telephone this evening. He was despondent about the state of the law. Why, he wondered, are juries so quick to believe what police officers say, even when there is powerful evidence that the police have lied? The young man had recently tried and lost a case alleging...

Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Chatigny

United States District Court Judge Roboert Chatigny was nomination to the Second Circuit was approved by an 11-7 vote this afternoon. His nomination now goes to the full Senate, where he is all but certain to be approved. Chatigny Approved

Westlaw Redux

A few days ago I posted about my decision to fire Westlaw. I've had inquiries from all over the country since then. It turns out I am not alone. Plenty of folks feel hooked on Westlaw. They also feel that the pusher has grown unresponsive. When it comes to its billing practices, the company is run...

Crucifying Polybius In Connecticut

We don't pray in my household. Perhaps we ought to. There's more than enough chaos to keep a band of angels busy. But our heavens are silent. We give thanks for one another and for such health as we enjoy. Among the things for which we are thankful is the Bill of Rights and a historical tradition...

Souter's Adults Only Constitution

"[B]ehind most dreams of a simpler Constitution there lies a basic human hunger for ... certainty and control ... And who has not felt that same hunger? Is there any one of us who has not lived though moments, or years, of longing for a world without ambiguity, and for the stability of something...

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