Blog Posts

Enough Dickiegate Already

It's time to put Dickiegate behind us. Richard Blumenthal is a politician. Period. Did we expect virtue? Did we expect him to be any different than all the other members of the political class who subscribe to the credo that spin is everything? Did we expect this Dick to be any different than all...

Is Jack Weinstein Running For Congress?

This past week, an interest group made an assertion I find impossible to believe: Three quarters of those accused of possessing child pornography have actually abused children. Almost every single one of the men I have represented in criminal cases arising from the possession of such images is...

We Need A Few More Jack Weinsteins

This past week, an interest group made an assertion I find impossible to believe: Three quarters of those accused of possessing child pornography have actually abused children. Almost every single one of the men I have represented in criminal cases arising from the possession of such images is...

Feeding Five Thousand On A Lawyer's Song

There was a moment, however fleeting, in Scott Turow's latest novel, Innocent, in which I thought him near perfect. He tip-toed to the very cusp of the reality of what it is to practice law in the private sector. He peered into the abyss.
"Winning appeals was a rarity for a defense lawyer," he...

Dead Man Walking

I was shot to death at about 12:15 this afternoon in a courtroom in New Britain, Connecticut. I saw both barrels take aim. I felt hatred as the trigger was pulled. I was no more than meat to the killer. She lacked any remorse for my murder. It was pure revenge for her. She shot me, and then she...

Semper Cry, Baby, And Other Tales

I really want to believe that the lipstick on Richard Blumenthal's collar is there as a result of the dry cleaner's carelessness, I really do. He has for so long proclaimed his love for the people of the state of Connecticut that I had come to hope he was as good as his sound bytes. But he looks...

Garber To Make Run For Connecticut AG

Politics, they say in Connecticut, makes for strange fox hole fellows. So on the day after Hell reigned down on the hopes of the Democratic Party, a Republican plans to announce that it is official: He will be running for Attorney General. I am backing him all the way.
Ross Garber plans to make...

Liar, Liar, Lips On Fire

Richard Blumenthal, Harvard graduate, Yale Law School graduate, editor of the Yale Law Review, United States Supreme Court clerk, Attorney General of the State of Connecticut, and long-time lawyer told the world today that he regrets a poor choice of words. His statements about serving in Vietnam...

A Decent Regard For The Opinions Of Others

In yesterday's Supreme Court opinion ruling that juveniles may not be sentenced to life without possibility of parole in non-homicide cases, Justice Anthony Kennedy noted that life sentences for juveniles have been rejected "the world over." Kennedy wrote that the nations of the world find such...

A Limp Dick

Today's New York Times features a front-page, above the fold story about Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal. To call the piece unflattering is an understatement. The real question is whether it is a sufficient spike to put to death Blumenthal's ambition to obtain a seat in the U.S....