Blog Posts

Support For Darrow Growing Nationwide

Hours after creating this page, Darrow's candidacy for the Supreme Court has prompted interest nationwide. We've heard from folks in the following locales: Cedar Crest, New Mexico; Danbury, Connecticut; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Greenville, South Carolina; Mckeesport, Pennsylvania; Cedar Grove, New...

Gerry Darrow Gets His Own Website

I am a dreamer and often a fool. But I believe in Gerry Darrow and want to see him get a seat on the United States Supreme Court. Because I hope others out there do as well, I've created a separate web page for news and commentary about his campaign. It is called Who Is Gerry Darrow? Read,...

Darrow A Lay Minister?

Although a self-professed agnostic, it appears that Gerry Darrow, President Obama's nominee to replace the retiring John Paul Stevens, may recently have preached a sermon at St. Luke's the Evangelist, in Everytown. Although it it by no means clear whether there are two men identically named, the...

Jerome Or Gerry? New Questions About Darrow

Supreme Court nominee Gerry Darrow may really be Jerome Darrow, The Huffington Post reports. According to the Post, court records in New Britain, Connecticut, relay that Darrow's birth name was Jerome Darrow. He petitioned the probate court for a name change in 2004, changing his first name to...

Who Is Gerry Darrow? Uproad Over High Court Pick

"Who is Gerry Darrow?" The question, however simple and direct, seems to have taken on a symbolic importance at some of the nation's leading law schools. The day after the little known Connecticut lawyer was nominated to become a justice of the United States Supreme Court, law students at Harvard,...

Obama Picks Unknown For Supreme Court

Butner, North Carolina -- President Barack Obama stood before a federal prison today and announced that he was nominating an unknown 42-year-old lawyer as the next justice of the Supreme Court, replacing retiring Justice John Paul Stevens.
"I promised hope when I asked for your trust during the...

Is It Jerome Or Gerry? Darrow's Checkered Past

Supreme Court nominee Gerry Darrow may really be Jerome Darrow, The Huffington Post reports. According to the Post, court records in New Britain, Connecticut, relay that Darrow's birth name was Jerome Darrow. He petitioned the probate court for a name change in 2004, changing his first name to...

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